Castéra-Verduzan. Football: a victory that won the FCCV

Team I This victory, 5 to 0 against Miradoux II, was that of the Castère group, referee Claude Kauffmann, played in a perfect state of mind. The design reference is present, not excusable. A victory which was established after 20′ of play and the first goal. The rest of the meeting will be totally dominated by the locals who could have greatly increased the score. The FCCV does not appear in 2 but after the debut of the champion. The integration of the new children has gone well. This is very important for the continuation with the Goods and the reception Arcon Arrats.

Team II The regrets are this failure in the Riscle, 2 to 0, which has the advantage of being defensive and against the camp. Note the excellent refereeing of President Risclois with two teams playing very well.

U15 agreement. Great 4-1 victory against Gers (Site notre blog d’information) Sud.

U11 agreement. Aignan two defeats and in Condom one victory and one defeat.

U17 agreement. Great 5-0 home victory against Isle Jourdain.

U8 – U9. Plateau in Fleurance with three victims and one defeat.