Paris FC bears the name “la masia” in French football

In an interview with theAFPcited by several media, Pierre Ferracci, the president of Paris FC, recently bought by the Arnault family and the Red Bull group, an advertisement by several of his club’s objectives for the future. Apart from the question of the stadium, which should soon be resolved, that of the training center is also on two minds within the Ile-de-France club.

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Ferracci has ambitious ambitions with his new figurines “ A decision-making investment in training « . “ Our ambition is to develop the first training center in France, to one day resemble the Masia in Barcelona, ​​thanks to the exceptional potential of the Paris Basin, the best in the world with that of Sao Paulo. », laughs the president. For Cell, the plan is to expand the training center in Orly (Val-de-Marne) and in particular wishes to increase from four to eight pitches, although the question of land in the Paris region remains a problem for the club.

Pub. THE 01/21/2025 08:03
– UPDATE 01/21/2025 7:30 p.m.