Argentina: Scaloni’s warning

Despite the euphoria that invaded Argentina after the world championship title in Qatar, Lionel Scaloni keeps a cool head. The Albiceleste coach has warned his group: there will be no free pass for sacred players in the Gulf.

« The objective is to continue playing at the same level. We can win, we can lose, but let’s be hard to beat. (…) Now it’s going to be harder than ever, because everyone is going to want beat us, explained the Argentine manager at a press conference. It’s the pitch that will speak. No one will have an advantage for having been world champions. Young percent who we think could play at a very high level. Wearing the Argentine shirt does not tolerate giving anything other than the maximum. »

Only one player escapes this rule: Lionel Messi (35). « Messi judged to come until he says otherwise. I see him happy on the pitch and within the selection, » added Scaloni.