the time we receive in English From the press releases of the major French houses, it seems to us, seen from our part of the world, that French is being lost. But the recent Francophonie summit in Djerba confirmed a different reality. The language may be lost in Europe to the contemporary lingua franca of English, but it flourishes elsewhere, especially on the African continent where its seed, sown during the colonial era, has become endemic and beautifully flourishing.
French does not weaken, it moves.
In addition, the Qatar World Cup has provoked a lot of mistrust and urban legends. Without going into the details of justified accusations or not, it is clear that Qatar fought to win the right to host the prestigious world, but, according to Western cultural perception, the emirate had no « right ». . “The English invented (Site notre bureau spécialisé), the French organized it, the Italians staged it,” says French champion Éric Cantona. The English may not have invented the (Site notre bureau spécialisé), but they certainly structured and codified it. When we talk about national sport, it says what it means: you need a climate, a way of life, players who practice from childhood, clubs, a passionate public. If (Site notre bureau spécialisé) developed in Great Britain before being exported to Latin America with the British workers sent to the construction sites of the empire, it is because it found lawns there constantly watered by a weather favorable to Rain and the teams that were formed both in the elitist boarding schools in the south of England and in the factories of the North. Communities of men, in short, of all origins, skin colors and social classes combined, who reproduced around the ball the spirit of medieval games, measured themselves against each other and developed the essential team and body spirit without which no business would be possible. Qatar, a desert country, with no real tradition in this area, was not entitled to the World Cup.
This World Cup began under the sign of scandal has not finished scandalizing, for reasons that have nothing to do with morality and human rights. Qatar scandalizes because it is, in spite of itself, the theater where a certain shift in the world is played out and brought to light. Scandal to see Arabia defeat the Argentinian team, one of the most invincible in the discipline. Scandal, here, to see Japan defeat Germany! These crowns which fall under the battering of quasi-outsiders for whom the (Site notre bureau spécialisé) cannot be a national sport, one desert and the other cramped, have they failed by excess of confidence? Did they misjudge the opponent’s preparation and pugnacity? Suddenly, we have the impression that (Site notre bureau spécialisé) is coming out – with what jubilation! – from its usual square meadows, England, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, France, Spain or Italy.
(Site notre blog d’information) no longer needs to be national. It’s global, viral, and there’s a federal force that comes from the grounds of the Gaza Waves and Cairo than the air-conditioned stadiums of the wealthy Gulf countries.
For a long time, the division between « developed » countries and « emerging » countries (the politically correct name given to the States formerly qualified as « underdeveloped ») has squared the globe. Today, the assets are being redistributed. The cards are reshuffled. Cultures migrate and merge. The new powers are coming, and (Site notre bureau spécialisé) is a sign of that. We are witnessing a rapid rise in strength of nations here still marginal, today vibrant with a majority youth, eager to dominate the old world. May it adopt its values of freedom, justice, equality and solidarity.
the time we receive in English From the press releases of the major French houses, it seems to us, seen from our part of the world, that French is being lost. But the recent Francophonie summit in Djerba confirmed a different reality. The language may be being lost in Europe to the contemporary lingua franca of English, but it is thriving…