Football: Jordan Pierre-Charles comes to strengthen the defense of the USCH – Hénon

(Site notre blog d’information)er Jordan Pierre-Charles has just signed with USCH (Union sportive Saint-Carreuc – Hénon). A nice Christmas present for the club.

Jordan Pierre-Charles, 29, is the twin brother of coach Willem. Until now, he was his assistant but he has now formalized his arrival as a player. The (Site notre bureau spécialisé)er was presented on Thursday, December 22, in the evening, by the president of the club, Adeline Morin-Hinault. She pulled him his brand new jersey.

Obtain the coaching diploma

“Since June, I was at Stade Briochin, which plays in the National. I preferred to get closer to my brother and get out of the professional world, because I’ve been in the industry for 13 years. I needed to see something else and think about my future. I will stay in the (Site notre bureau spécialisé) world and pass my coaching diplomas. I think it was the right time, all the stars are aligned to start a new adventure,” he explained.

Jordan signed his first professional contract in Amiens in the Hauts de France, at 18 years old. It adjoins Colmar, Ajaccio, Valenciennes, Bourg-Péronnas, Lyon-La Dûchère and Chambly.

Retrovert the R3

“We can say that he has a good business card, since he has more than 230 matches in national and 65 in league 2. Currently, the USCH club, which plays in D1, is leader and remains undefeated with eight wins. The team with the best attack with 29 goals scored and the best defense with only seven goals conceded. With these two experienced players, Jordan, in defense, and Willem, in attack, the team should return to R3 at the end of the season,” concluded the president.