When football becomes a game and a pleasure again

(Site notre blog d’information) in Langogne has its standard, sporting, which is based on a very organized structure, perfectly adapted infrastructures, even if we can regret the smallness of the refreshment bar, a team of managers and volunteers participates and motivates, reinforced by the arrival of Elsa, numerous and numerous licensees of all ages, who wear the club’s colors high every weekend.

But, there is also Langogne (Site notre bureau spécialisé) leisure, a group of friends who do not eat their heads and who meet regularly on the annex stadium, for matches played in a good mood, with a single watchword: pleasure Kick a ball and catapult it into the back of the net as often as possible. Saturday October 15, at the end of the afternoon, by an ideal temperature, many of them met to contest 3 matches, with 3 victories for the team of chasubles of Daniel and René, the two oldest, almost 140 years old to them both. (Site notre blog d’information) is preserved.

A beautiful sun and beautiful collective actions, but also some but gags.

In general, the (Site notre bureau spécialisé) uncles meet on Saturdays, around 5 p.m., at the synthetic stadium and everyone is welcome.

(Site notre bureau spécialisé)er class=”txt-note”>The annual fee requested is €10.<!—->

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