We have all experienced this moment in our lives. You’re about to leave the toilet after a long session and lo and behold: the lock won’t open. Okay, take a deep breath, pull the door firmly, then try again. A few drops of sweat later, the door is usually open. But not always, as one (Site notre bureau spécialisé) coach recently discovered.
Jan Kubovic – coach of district team VfB Fichte Bielefeld – had to spend the entire second half in the toilet while his team played against FC Gütersloh II. It’s not a joke: the toilet door was blocked so badly that the coach, the goalkeeper and several spectators could no longer open it. Eventually the toilets had to be opened.
Did the home team play a role in all this? At least Gütersloh was able to comfortably win 4-1 without an opposing coach. The VfB then filed a complaint. The hosts took the incident with humor: “It’s a very stupid story, but also very human. I would say that this is amateur (Site notre bureau spécialisé) as it is lived and breathed,” said a member of the Gütersloh board of directors.
Maybe he would have seen things differently if he had to stay in the bathroom for that long.