He is blazing at OM, his greatest quality is revealed

His departure was regretted, but now few people still seem to remember Jorge Sampaoli on the Olympique de Marseille side. All thanks to Igor Tudor, whistled at his beginnings who by dint of work was able to turn the situation around and seduce everyone, even the most difficult observers like Daniel Riolo.

In six months, he turned the whistles into applause. Many were those who promised an ordeal to Igor Tudor, but the latter finally managed to get everyone to agree and now his OM even dreams of an incredible title in Ligue 1, a few days before a huge shock against the PSG.

Tudor seduced Riolo

Then IAfter the (Site notre bureau spécialisé), Daniel Riolo was very complimentary towards the OM coach, who after his victory over the TFC (2-3) points to second place in Ligue 1. You sleep ? He does not hesitate. The payment. When something goes wrong, he decides. That’s a quality said the journalist and columnist for RMC Sports.

“We were sure we made the right choice”

In an interview given to Tele(Site notre bureau spécialisé) this Sunday, Javier Ribalta assured that theOM never had any doubts aboutIgor Tudor. «  We were sure we made the right choice. “Explained the Marseille sports director.  » It was natural for us to support him because we believe in him. We know it well and we knew it took a little while to work « .