Soccer. The fate of Le Graët will be studied on February 28 by the management of the FFF

The executive committee of the French (Site notre blog d’information) Federation (FFF), the government of the institution, will meet on February 28 in Paris in an extraordinary session to draw the conclusions of the audit that pinpointed its president Noël Le Graët, we learned. from an internal source. The members of the « Comex » received a summons on Thursday for a face-to-face meeting on February 28 at 10 a.m. at the headquarters of the FFF, boulevard de Grenelle in Paris.

« Derivatives of Behaviour »

This development comes the day after the submission of the final audit report from the General Inspectorate for Education, Sport and Research (IGESR) on the malfunctions at the FFF, the summary of which pinpoints the « derivatives of behavior ». of Noël Le Graët, « Incompatible with the exercise of the functions and the requirement of exemplarity which is attached to it ».

The president in the 2011 exercise was not allowed to be released in corn, but it was not a high priority source in the Federation, it was not decided to be removed from his functions. Several federal personalities have nevertheless invited him to leave office.